Last weekend, my car started a new behaviour: running the ventilation at maximum, even with the engine off.. A few days before a long trip by car, it would have been a nightmare !
Internet was partially helpful, I was not the only one with that issue, but it was difficult to have a clear answer, so I played the safety card and took an appointment with a mechanic.
Unfortunately this mechanic cancelled the appointment, a few days later, without explanations. 🤬
Fortunately, I had a talk with a colleague, more mechanic than me, and after some minutes he convinced that the fix was achievable, even by me ! Challenge accepted ! I’m sure I can
I had to dismantle the full glove box, and many covering parts around, to reach this little guy.
Helped by: and
The famous A43002900 !
This heater resistance (?) with a small electronic card was causing my ventilation to go mad!
Once a replacement was ordered, arrived in 2 days, and mounted, everything went back in order. 🙂
Moral: Don’t get discouraged, talk with people and just try. YouTube is full of really helpful video.