Car fix

Last weekend, my car started a new behaviour: running the ventilation at maximum, even with the engine off.. A few days before a long trip by car, it would have been a nightmare !

Internet was partially helpful, I was not the only one with that issue, but it was difficult to have a clear answer, so I played the safety card and took an appointment with a mechanic.

Unfortunately this mechanic cancelled the appointment, a few days later, without explanations. 🤬

Fortunately, I had a talk with a colleague, more mechanic than me, and after some minutes he convinced that the fix was achievable, even by me ! Challenge accepted ! I’m sure I can

I had to dismantle the full glove box, and many covering parts around, to reach this little guy.

Helped by: and

The famous A43002900 !

This heater resistance (?) with a small electronic card was causing my ventilation to go mad!

Once a replacement was ordered, arrived in 2 days, and mounted, everything went back in order. 🙂

Moral: Don’t get discouraged, talk with people and just try. YouTube is full of really helpful video.

Ortho Project : Conclusion

That idea came around December 2019, and I try to implement it from January 2020 to March. COVID situation was a great help, because it gave me time and the possibility to wear my aligners.

I started wearing them on March 12th, and I’m currently wearing my last piece. It’s been 5 months, and I’ve almost reach my goal ! (photos will come soon)

I still want to do another round of aligners : As my teeth moved, my 3D model is not good enough to work on it, and need a more recent one. I also want to correct some small imperfections. I’m on holidays now, far from my 3D printer and tools, so I will resume it in September.

From now, here is what I can conclude on this project :

      • Time : I spend some time on this, probably close to a hundred hours between research and testing. The thermoforming part was clearly the longest, more than 3/4 of my time.
      • Money : It’s was really cheap (Alginate powder, plaster and 60 sheets of dental plastic were bought for less than 30€). I used around 1kg of PLA (15€) and already owned the tools.
      • Efficiency : It’s really efficient ! (wait for photos) Now, I need to find a dentist to put me a small contention metal cable behind my incisors to maintain them durably.
      • Pain : Ok, I had some. First aligner was new, and it was a little painful during the first 24 hours. Then, between each aligners, I sometimes feel a small pain with new ones. Probably because I wanted to move to fast between each aligners.
      • Speech : As expected, I had some difficulties to talk properly the first 3 weeks, but I get used to it.
      • Cleaning process : Each day, I needed to brush my aligners to keep them clean, same for my teeth. Mouthwash was also effective to keep a good hygiene.
      • Attendance : I was really focused during the process. Now with the summer, I’m feeling a bit bored and forget them sometimes.


Stay tuned 🙂

Ortho Project : Cutting and finalisation (step 6)

Cutting was quite easy, with no real difficulties. My Dremel was enough for that, I just had to follow the “tooth lign” to only keep the molding of the teeth.

Cutting following the tooth lign

Image 1 of 3

And to keep them always with me, I 3D printed a nice box !

By the way, I had to remove the last tooth of my upper jaw for two reason: my mold was not good enough on these teeth, and the aligner was too big for my box 🙂