The micro-usb port didn’t resist my kids, so they ask me to fix the Lunii (again)
As I had some USB-C port in stock (bought here), it was the perfect occasion to replace the old micro-usb with a brand new USB-C.
Others have done it, so I should be able to
The goal was to be able to charge the Lunii but also to keep the computer connection available, so I had to do some test first.
Removing the micro-usb port was not so easy, and I mess a little bit with the tracks, so I found a connection not so far away.
As my proof-of-concept worked well, I cut a small part of the board to glue the USB-C board and connect it.
The last step was to enlarge the hole for the USB-C port. As I glued it too much on the inside, I had to do a very large hole to accept the hole charger cable.
And the data connection is working ! Mission accomplished
Ps: In the repair, I mess with the screen cable.. I have to find a new screen now :-/
Great story, I’ll try that too
Do you have a closer picture?
Of course, I just added one